Day Twenty: Concert Night and Allergy Attack

Tonight Mom and I went out to a concert for a group called The Good Lovelies. Amazing harmonies from these three ladies - was so fun and festive! The stage had four Christmas Trees and lights, and it was just lovely! Mom and I usually go to some sort of festive something around this time of year so it was nice to go hear some good music and some Christmas carols done right! 

The not so fun part was that my allergies (still hoping it's allergies and not sickness) decided to come out and play so I got home and was pretty useless again. Passed the heck out but the good news is that I was able to do that! I don't need to plan anything for my classes on Saturday as they were canceled so I got to home straight home to bed. I can't remember the last time I was able to do that!  It's a nice little blessing to be able to do that! Here's hoping I start to feel a little bit better! I have all the home remedies and lots of time before work the next day so let's all cross our fingers I'm only going to get better. It's typical Brenna fashion to get ill five days before Christmas isn't it?

Let's stay positive! Stay healthy!


Day 20: Recovery Mode and Presents Under the Tree


Day Eighteen: Teacher Presents and Early to Bed