Day Twenty-Two: Last Day of Teaching!

Today was a bit of a whirlwind and I'm expecting nothing less of the next two days! Started off amazing because I got to sleep in until 8am! (Yes that's right, I said sleep in!) And it was actually a nice teaching day. I got Christmas presents from my students who even when they aren't listening to a word I'm saying they are still so sweet.

A home-made supper and baking Christmas cookies made for a lovely evening and rounding it off with The Bishop's Wife. It's a holiday tradition for my Mom and I to watch this one and we didn't quite make it through before we started falling asleep so that is to be continued...

I got home to an amazing and thoughtful note from my roommate who I won't see again for a few days. She drew some amazing pictures - great depictions of our last wine night together! 

And I sent off some boring admin teaching e-mails, (aka "please pay me" e-mails), and now I have going to fall asleep five minutes after turning on an ASMR video!

Good night and talk to you on Christmas Eve Eve!!!


Day Twenty-Three: Christmas Eve Eve and Family Christmas Photo


Day Twenty-One: Mall Madness and Game Time