Day Twenty-Four: Family Time and Last Day of Blogmas

Well my wonderful friends, we made it. A litte rocky to start with today with some anxiety and just feeling a little strange but I think I settled in quite nicely. When I finally got myself up off the couch and ready to start fresh I knew I needed to kick things off with a Christmas bath! Not just because I needed to get into the spirit, but also because my body was aching from the moving of last night and I needed to relieve some of that! I put on Christmas music and start to get myself ready and pack a suitcase. I knew I might be camping out at my parents for a few days so I needed to be prepared. I even squeezed in a little time to do some singing (okay it made me way late but it was worth it and it's Christmas!)

It has been a lovely day of spending time with my family. I started with a little down time and some gaming but we soon settled into our routine. The only downside to the evening was that my allergies have been on high alert, slowly getting worse and worse throughout the night. I knew they would be and tried what I could to prevent it but what can you do! A little laughter and good company will help distract from a thing like that. I had to throw in a little nap in the hopes it would  help. We played some games, ate some food and gifts started accumulating under the tree. I feel very lucky but mostly I'm excited for people to see their gifts - yes of course I'm not beyond being excited for mine, but I work hard to try to find the perfect gifts and I think I did well this year. 

We ended the evening with a movie - The Man Who Invented Christmas. Highly reccommend that one by the way if you're looking for good quality Christmas movies. Mom suprised my brother and I with a little pre-Christmas gift which was really nice - of course you guessed it - they were pajamas. Now I'm fighting off these allergies with everything I've got but I'm cozy and I've laughed so much today and I am well-fed and surrounded by love and if that's not joyful I don't know what is. I love that this is how my 24 days always ends. Even with ups and downs throughout it always ends on a really lovely note with people I love and who love me. I hope with my whole heart you are having a lovely Christmas and if it's not quite going your way - that's okay! Find what makes you joyful and ride that wave. It doesn't have to be a perfect day. I am sending you love and support and well wishes for the holiday season and the new year! 

If you've been following since Day One, thank you, seriously, thank you for reading and making me feel fulfilled and like what I say is worth something. I hope that it has brought some joy to your life regardless of how many days you've read, I appreciate all the support. Please always let me know how you're feeling about the blog and what you'd like to see. This is for both of us. For all of us. 

Have a very merry Christmas, happy holidays and a wonderful new year.

Until next time,



Day Twenty-Three: Last Day of Work and Moving In