20 Things to Do Right Now

Sometimes self-care is taking a bath or a nap or watching a movie and eating ice-cream. But sometimes you need to do things that will help you feel a sense of relief after and a feeling of accomplishment. I've compiled a list of things that I sometimes have to get done when I feel like everything is just a little bit on the messy side in my life. When things are busy and stressful, we procrastinate the small things because they feel like they tip that scale over and it's all just "too much". It's okay to feel that way, but I often find I trick myself into thinking these tasks are difficult when in actuality I can accomplish them quite quickly and feel better. So if you're sitting there feeling a little like a potato and having some trouble motivating yourself, use the countdown method and get some of these things done. Check them off or cross them out if you get them done or don't need to do them and see if you can get to the bottom!
 Ready? In 5...4...3...2...1...GO!

  1. Text that person back. If you're not ready to get into it, keep it simple - "Hey I miss you sorry I can't chat right now but I can't wait to see you again! Thinking of you and will be in touch as soon as things calm down!"

  2. Do your dishes. All of them. Even that mug you forgot on the coffee table.

  3. Take a shower and get dressed for the day/night.

  4. Write in all your plans for the week and foreseeable future - anything you have dates for, even if it's a month or two from now, put it in your calendar. 

  5. Clean the house - even if it's just a quick tidy up.

  6. Make your bed - I always find this makes a huge difference for me whenever I walk into my room and when I climb in at the end of the night.

  7. Read a chapter of the book you've been trying to finish. (Seriously, I've been reading It for 2 years and I finally finished because I started making myself sit down and read when I thought about it)

  8. Back-up all your files and photos. This seems kind of weird, but I find it's one of those things I was always saying...I should probably do that soon...but never seemed to get around to. It feels so good to know all those moments are saved, should something happen. 

  9. Do your laundry! Even if it's just the important stuff!

  10. Drink a glass of water or at least fill your water bottle.

  11. Tell someone you care about them or that you are proud of them or just something nice.

  12. Get groceries or make your  shopping list

  13. (While I'm on that topic....) Make a to do list!

  14. Take your birth control or any other medication

  15. Pamper yourself - fix up your nails if they have been rough-looking, do a face mask, or simply wash your face

  16. Clean out your closet

  17. Organize your files

  18. Clean up your e-mail inbox. 

  19. Clean our your wallet/handbag

  20. Start that project you've been meaning to. Maybe it's a scrapbook or photos from October you've been meaning to edit...get it started now!


The Negative Spiral


Ten-Minute Self-Care Ideas for a Bad Day