Planning for November/December Wellness

(Where I would stay all winter to hibernate if I could.)

(Where I would stay all winter to hibernate if I could.)

It’s been another little while since I’ve sat down and just exhaled my thoughts here. It’s that time of year where not only does life get a little busier, but I get focused on completing those things on my checklists. So - safe to say my organization and “school” that I started in September has fallen a little off the rails. But I know I’m going to need it in preparation for next month so I’m starting to get ready now.

With November comes colder weather, less sunshine, longer hours, and good old Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you’re unfamiliar with what that is, I wrote a blog post way back when this blog was still a newborn. Long story short though, it’s when changes in the weather and sunlight can cause a change in your mood. When we see less sunshine throughout our work or school day, and we start to feel kind of sad and depressed – that’s one example of a symptom. Of course, there’s way more to explain but that’s for another time. This is all about prevention and coping.


Knowing that this time of year can take a lot out of me, I want to plan to put some practices in place. If you’re the same, you might want to join me. First order of business is that I wake up early and in a basement with a tiny window that gets no sun in the morning. So, I ordered something called a “Sunrise Alarm Clock” – an alarm clock with a giant lamp that simulates the sunrise or sunset in a room. If you’re interested here is the one I purchased – HERE.
Now I know not everyone can throw down some money on things like that and I haven’t always either. For the more frugal approach, try to get as much done the night before so that you need less time when you wake up in the morning. The later you get to wake up the closer you are to sunlight. 

And if that still doesn’t change much, make sure you force yourself outside. Maybe it’s walking to a different bus stop or to the station or even to work. Take your break outside maybe and get that daily dose of sunshine my friends. It can make a big difference.


Next on the docket is vitamins – I never take any. I should probably be taking a lot. Vitamin D is my main Concern, but also getting sick this time of year is always a threat so Vitamin C and echinacea are also on my radar. Talk to your doctor about what might be worth a boost this time of year. Make sure you’re taking care of your body as best you can.
Stay hydrated! I don’t think my body has been hydrated since fourth year university – and even then I’m not sure (I went to school for singing so in order to sing all day I had to drink water all day). I am so bad at regularly drinking water. I am determined to get better. I have a reminder on my phone and I also plan to track it in my planner by crossing off each goal I complete. At least that way I can see and hold myself accountable. 


itness. This one can be hard for me, especially when my workout is usually something I need to get out of the way first thing in the morning because I know after a long day there’s no way I’m getting out of my couch crevice.  It means waking up a little earlier to fit in a yoga practice but it’s worth it. It’s so easy for me to get blue and dreary and feel useless in the winter months so I really want to actively counter-act that by doing something that not only calms but energizes me and makes me feel strong. It’s also nice to feel proud of yourself for doing something that was hard. 


Finally (and this is something I’m looking forward to having) is an accountability partner! Find someone who also wants to achieve similar goals and check in with each other. Discuss progress and motivate each other when you’re struggling. It works really well for me because on days when I feel how easy it would be to just not do the workout, I think of having to own up to it the next day and I would rather be proud of myself instead. It helps me to feel actively supported. Find ways that you and your partner motivate. Maybe after achieving certain goals you can take yourselves out for dinner? Or something like that? I don’t have all the tips yet because I have yet to try it myself but look forward to finding out.

So those are my goals – that’s my game plan. There are probably more but that’s what I’m thinking about right now based on what is most important for me. What are you working on? Got any advice?


Coping with “Winter Blues”


Self-Care Routine When Staying Home Isn’t An Option