Day 11: Celebrating the First Snow and Beginner Calligraphy

So once again I am having some laptop issues so I'm writing this on my phone so you will have to forgive typos until I can edit this on my laptop!

Anyway! A lovely snowy day that started with my meditation. Can I just brag a bit an talk about how I'm really rocking regular meditation practice? I started a new series today for "happiness" which is focused on gratitude and joy. It seemed appropriate for this entire blog!

Then Johnny and I celebrated the first snow with a brownie for breakfast. We made a deal one day that when it snowed we would come back and try the McDonald's brownies. It was very enjoyable! Before work I sat down and got started on some holiday cards for my students. I've always loved the idea of calligraphy but I have chicken scratch so I never thought I would be good at it. I decided to print off some guides and give it a try and I was very happy with the result.

I am literally falling asleep as I type this so time for bed!



Day 12: A Challenging Day


Day 10: Finally Some Snow!