Day 12: A Challenging Day


I knew this would be a challenge. I knew there would be things that happened throughout the days and it would be a good challenge to try not to focus on the things that didn't go the way I wanted. But when it feels like the negatives are piling those are the days that I really have to fight through. I have to fight to not let myself get sucked in and to acknowledge, accept and move right on.

So today I could just ignore all the not so great stuff and only talk about the good stuff, but this challenge isn't and never was about ignoring the negatives. Pretending those things aren't there or never happened is not a healing or progressive strategy in my eyes. So while there were some smaller frustrations this morning leading up to it, the major difficulty was the news I got at a vet appointment. If you know me personally you may know my cat has been on antibiotics and some other medications to help with anemia. We all kind of thought he was on the road to recovery. Today a new vet expressed concern over his lab results and has referred us to a specialist. Long story short, he is not "better" and there may be some treatments and procedures involved that are going to cost me much more than I can afford and I don't really know what I'm going to do. 

There are good things surrounding this information, even though it wasn't pleasant. I didn't have to find that out alone and I was supported throughout and after by my boyfriend and I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with that alone. I'm an easy cryer and if I were all alone I may have had a total meltdown.

There were some other work-related hiccups involving mistakes made on my part and scrambling to fix my mistakes and that is never fun. But I have to remember that I'm human, and humans make mistakes and it doesn't make me an awful person.

I had a lovely bath today that was much needed and it has put me in the perfect mood for sleep. It's days like this where it's helpful to remind yourself of simple joys - even though there are troubles I can't imagine my life without my gorgeous cat no matter how much he has cost me. I have a roof over my head and a warm bed to lay down in at the end of the night and that is already so much to be grateful for. 

I don't have any pictures today I'm afraid, but hopefully tomorrow will be a little more exciting and I will try to start it with a grateful and open heart!

Good night!


Day 13: Simple Pleasures and Learning About my Coping Options


Day 11: Celebrating the First Snow and Beginner Calligraphy