Day 20: Opening Gifts with My Best Friend


I wasn't at my best today - I could tell there was some sort of bug still clinging to me trying to take me down with whatever virus it was carrying and so it wasn't my most joyful day but leave it to my best friend to always brighten an otherwise average day! We grabbed food at the mall and did our little Christmas gift exchange and she was so generous and thoughtful and I think she enjoyed her gifts too (hopefully!).

After a long over-due catch-up it was time to say goodbye until after Christmas. When I got home my mom had done some Christmas baking and the house smelled like gingerbread! I curled up on the couch, by the tree and flipped through Pinterest. Even though I was feeling a little under the weather it was still a nice cozy evening with people I love!

I am very much looking forward to a few days off after Christmas!

Hope you are staying healthy!


Day 21: Sick but Festive


Day 19: Dance Friends and The Nutcracker