Day Twelve: Magical Drinks in the Snow

I'm going to admit...I was not very joyful yesterday. Okay that's sounds worse than it is. It was a frustrating day at work. It's getting busier and busier and little things are causing me to feel a little frustrated. I won't get into it because this is not a space for ranting and complaining. Here is something lovely that happened. I helped someone out today to who enjoyed their experience so much they asked for my name and hugged me. That doesn't happen that often especially during the holiday season and it makes me so happy to know that they left feeling joyful for the rest of their day. 

I got to sleep in too so that was definitely a plus! But it was a very long day. But there is more good news! I got to end the day meeting a friend before she headed off to Nova Scotia! So happy we got to catch up and hang out before she went on holidays and I always like hearing what's new with her. She's always ready to hear about my latest and it's always so nice to see her in general. While we were having drinks at one of my favourite bars there was live music and it made me feel a little bit like we were back in university having drinks at the pub. It was kind of nice to turn the clock back and feel like we were back in Nova Scotia, if only for a moment. Then we looked outside and it was snowing! And you know me - the magic of a snowfall gets me all warm and fuzzy inside! 

I hope your days are going well! Feel free to share your joys with me! I'd love to hear how you're keeping yourself joyful through the season!


Day Thirteen: Learning New Things and Proud Teacher


Day Eleven: Queen of Assumptions and Ready to Sleep for the Rest of the Year