Day Eleven: Queen of Assumptions and Ready to Sleep for the Rest of the Year

So remember that mysterious disappointment last night? Well I got over it but I started letting my mind run rampant - I jumped to conclusions and let myself get bogged down with those assumptions and then got upset with myself for feeling a certain way in reaction to those assumptions and it was just not an amazing feeling.  However, don't you worry I haven't forgotten the upside to all of this! The upside is that all my negative conclusions seem to have been wrong...( I go again). So I'm happy about that. I feel like a child in one of my classes and how they lose their S&%@ and have a meltdown over a sticker and the next minute their loling their way through our goodbye song. That was literally me. Yeesh what a rollercoaster. 

It was a 12 hour day for me and I am so exhausted. I have no photos I'm afraid because I worked and then I worked. But it snowed today!!! I always feel happier when it snows. And I also sat down and actually learned a new song and I haven't done that in a long time. It felt good to like the sound of my own voice again. 

But before I go I couldn't leave you without at least a meme to bid you a lovely evening!


Day Twelve: Magical Drinks in the Snow


Day Ten: Productive with a Bittersweet Ending