Day Six: Feeling Empowered and Proud


Another day where I wasn't able to photograph most of the positive things that happened but I did have a chance to capture my little yoga set up from this morning. I love plugging in the lights when I wake up and doing yoga in the dim lights. There's always a feeling of warmth and coziness to it. I have been so proud of myself lately. I've been doing yoga every day for about 3 months now. That's huge for me and I've working hard at doing ones that are a balance of meditative/relaxing as well as a really good workout. So that was a good start to my day.

Next I had therapy - so if you've been keeping up with me you might know that I finally found a therapist that I really like and am fortunate enough to be able to pay for. Well I recently found out she's ending her private practice. That hit me pretty hard. After about a month just getting started....I was right back where I started. Or that's how it felt. But this is not 24 days of complaining and feeling self-pity. It is 24 days of joy - so where is the joy? It's in every session I have left to get everything I can and to be grateful for what I've learned in just a couple sessions with her. She has helped me to view myself as someone so capable of kindness without sacrificing my wants and needs as a result. Anyway the point is that today she gave me a challenge. And we talked about putting into action an expression what we wanted without letting fear or worry dictate or take over. I had a specific task in mind of how I would do it and I did and even if the things that I'm afraid of happening happen, I am feeling strong enough to say "I will be okay even if it does."

Maybe that feels like mumble-jumble to you or maybe it's foreign but it's definitely fueling my joy today.

If you are like me and have trouble saying what you want or asking for what you want, maybe take the 24 hour challenge too. What can you do to let your voice be heard?


Day Seven: Forget 9 to 5, Let’s Do 7 to 8


Day Five: Sleepy Evening and New Christmas Book