Day Seven: Forget 9 to 5, Let’s Do 7 to 8

If you haven't already's been a long day for me! Workplace number One, at 7am,  and then finishing workplace number  Two, at 8pm (by the time I actually get home). I was absolutely exhausted. I can feel my body needing a little breathing room but here's the good news: I have two whole days off in a row coming up and I am so beyond excited! I shall use it to do my Christmas Shopping and get it finished so I no longer have to worry about it! 

So here's what was great about today - I ate a pretzel for breakfast because you know what, I deserved it. It was delicious. Then I was exhausted during my lessons but somehow still managed to form coherent sentences for my students. My 6 year-old pinky-promised to practice really hard and asked me to sing O Christmas Tree in German for her. There's something special when a child requests to hear you sing to them. It's just nice to see the enjoyment they get from making new discoveries and listening. 

I also included a picture of the handy space heater in my studio which was getting me through today. I cuddled next to it all night - sorry to all my students but I am not about to share that heater. I got home and power napped and somehow resisted the urge to curl up and sleep but instead I got off my butt, took a shower and did my lesson plan for tomorrow. 

Bad news - I think I'm getting sick. Good news - It's not bad yet so I might be able to avoid it if I eat right, drink water, buy some orange juice???, and drown myself in echinacea. Pray for me and my immune system folks - tomorrow is my work Christmas party. I'm going to need my immune system in full working order. 



Day Eight: Christmas Party And An Actual Night Out!


Day Six: Feeling Empowered and Proud