Day Seventeen: Another Long Day


I am certainly starting to feel the exhaustion from work. It seems that the free time I once had now is occupied running around trying to check things off my list. Day sixteen was a misison to get my phone fixed. In the grand scheme of things it really wasn't so bad, but I just really wanted to be in bed instead of downtown. I needed that time to recharge, btu evidently so did my phone win some you lose some I guess. 

I was able to leave my phone to be fixed but tomorrow will decide if it does in fact get fixed as it's "Supposed" to. 

Work was non-stop which I suppose is a good thing - no time to clock-watch or wish to be home sooner. While I like the hustle of the holidays I don't like the feeling of never quite settling into a shift. You get sort of tossed in and hope for the best. But that's okay we all survived and we survived together! 

I took one photo today of my meal which was nice - who knew a 30min dinner break could be so heavenly. To sit and do nothing but eat a hot meal. Definitely was feeling thankful and humbled. (Although I am feeling guilty for not doing a better job of making meals at home...that went out the window this week.) 

It's a short one today but hopefully some more content tomorrow!

Take care!



Day Eighteen: A Good Day and Return of the Phone


Day Sixteen: A Freak Accident After a Productive Day