Day Nineteen: Festive Crafts and Bath Bombs

My 24 days are soon coming to a close! Which is okay, it's a nice little reminder to try to stay concentrated on the things that make me happy. It can be such a busy and stressful time of year, I need to make sure I'm always finding some sort of good. 

Day nineteen...While it started with a pretty hectic day at work, I survived it, checked off the last couple things on my To-Do list when it comes to shopping for Christmas gifts, and headed to spend some time with my parents and their "Grandchildren". My mom has a friend who has two young girls and my mom is sort of like their second grandmother. She wasn't really expecting to ever have Granchildren anytime soon and she enjoys taking care of them when she can. So I went over to join the party and take part in some Christmas crafting. I was even gifted a little decoration for my hair. I love kids, but I never get to spend time with kids just having fun. It was a nice experience. I'm used to having to make sure we are learning something and singing our songs right or playing the notes on the piano. It's nice to get to just engage with them and play with them. 

Lessons went well and I got a lovely card and gift from one of my sutdents. It was a "fun" day of lessons and we all just sang some carols and had a good time. I even started working through rounds and harmonies with some of my older students. 

I came home and it was snowing! I was so excited I didn't even care that I was wearing running shoes! It made me very happy! I had time to eat dinner (albeit a little late) and even play some Sims. Then I decided my instagram feed has been missing some bath bomb content and my life has too so it was time for a much needed bath! 

I got hit right away with exhuastion after my bath so that concludes day nineteen!

Don't forget to do something for yourself today!



Day Twenty: Christmas Baking and Teacher Gifts


Day Eighteen: A Good Day and Return of the Phone