Day Twenty: Christmas Baking and Teacher Gifts

Ah day 20! How the time is flying! I'm excited but I'm also sad - I don't want it to be over! But I'm not out of festivity just yet so hang in there.

I woke up this morning from an amazing sleep. I don't know if it was the sleeping through the entire night, getting 8 hours or my sunrise alarm clock but one or all of those things made for a great morning. I was a little bit latet getting going but it was worth it. Once I had myself together I made my over to my Mom and Dad's place to help my mom with Christmas cookies. It's pretty much our tradition. Every year I help her bake Christmas cookies. When I was a kid I used to pretend we were on a baking show where we had to talk the audience through what we were doing. I don't know why that was fun but it was. Now my Mom and I laugh at how clueless we would be if we ever had to compete as a team on a baking show. We decided we'd be the comedy relief. That being said, my Mom could probably get by okay with some basic recipes but I probably wouldn't. 

Once the cookies (or at least the ones I was planning to eat) were done, I had just enough time for a little nap. I don't know how I did it, but somehow I managed to fall asleep with my Mom baking in the kitchen, the lights on and Trans Siberian Orchestra playing in the background. It's a God-given talent I guess. Weirdly enough though I wake up pretty easily and would consider myself a light sleeper. Not really sure how trans siberian worked out?!

Before heading to teach I had time to check off yet another Christmas tradition which was me putting together the Christmas Village. You know what I'm talking about...those tiny porrcelein buildings and people - like a doll house for grown ups - with buildings that light up and everything. I always loved that little village and try to coerce my parents into a new addition every year so it's growing bit by bit. What started as a church has quickly become a bustling little town! 

It was my last day teaching before the winter break and it was a fun day. My students were sweet and we just had some fun with some Christmas Carols. They were all generous and brought gifts or cards which is always so lovely. I will enjoy the break though. For sure. 

After getting home it was a "get things done" kind of night. Here's what I checked off: clean the apartment, do laundry, finish wrapping gifts, clean out fridge, do dishes. I am feeling good about heading into the holidays with a nice clean house and a clear mind! 

I hope you are having a lovely start to your weekend! Mine is about to be a busy one! 

Sending love and warmth <3



Day Twenty-One: Roommate Christmas


Day Nineteen: Festive Crafts and Bath Bombs