Day Nine: Feeling Under The Weather But In Good Company


Another short one today. If you read the last one I can report that my friend did eventually arrive at 3:30am. One delayed train later...but she made it! We had a mini chat then we were both ready for bed. Unfortunately I had work which meant I couldn't spend the day with her but she was in good hands keeping busy. I started feeling better but as the day went on I started to feel worse. My allergies or this sickness started giving me a run for my money and I'm till struggling. I will say I think my nighttime cold meds have finally kicked in because I'm feeling a little delerious just typing this. I am also feeling slightly better though...

Despite feeling crappy, I had a wonderful catch up with two good friends and not to mention some good food. We discovered a new dumpling place! My favourite place just around the corner has been closed for repair and I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever open again! 

In the mean-time we disovered an ok substitute. Not the same but it will do. 

Good company, good chats about life and futures and choreographed wedding dances - hard not to find joy in all of that. I wish I was a little more lively but life is better spent enjoying what you have than wishing for better.

Okay now I must get some rest!

Happy day nine!


Day Ten: Feeling Better and Holiday Card Writing


Day Eight: Festive Nails and Day Off