Day Ten: Feeling Better and Holiday Card Writing

The morning started a little rough with chills running through me and I just wanted to stay curled up on my couch but I made it work and actually managed through the day, mostly, with ease. The further into my day I got the better it was. I started it off on the right foot with a "holiday" London Fog - I used to work for Second Cup and I remain pretty loyal to them as my favourite coffee place. Yesterday they ran out of their holiday tea but today they were back in stock! What a little joy to celebrate and jump start my day, right? And since this blog is all about little joys... something that brings me joy is when I meet people that I haven't talked to in years and we stop and say and ask how the other person is doing. I was heading home from work when this happened to me and I had a little chat with a former classmate. These little encounters aren't life changing moments - we both still go about our days, but it's so nice just to stop and slow down and smile and care about someone else for five minutes. 

And if you think I spent my break picking out a super cheesy Christmas book, you would be right. I'm only one Chapter in but I can already tell it's just the right amount of sappy for me.

After work I had leftover dumplings to enjoy and I can't beleive I completely forgot that for Christmas my friend gave me all these lovely baked goods - and oh let me tell you...they are soo good. I'm going to have to restrain myself so that they actually last a little while! Also what a great idea for a gift! Don't underestimate the power of snacks!

Then my roommate and I were apaprently on the same wavelength and sat down to make/write our Christmas cards. You know what else brings me joy? My friends are SO talented! They make such beautiful art and I'm so proud of them and everything they've accomplished and are working towards and I just want them to find fulfillment in that. It makes me happy to see the beauty they can create and inspire.

An adorable holiday movie later, my roommate and I are trying to wind down when there was a little bit of drama. It started with screaming and ended with a 911 call - and the reason I'm mentioning it is because I find joy in the fact that (hopefully) we helped someone. I don't know what was going on outside, but if someone was screaming for help, they obviously didn't feel safe. Hopefully, by calling for help for them, we were able to bring them to safety. The other reason I mention it is that it was actually really scary for me. Calling 911 has always felt like a scary thing to do, but I did it - we had our moment of hesitation and I decided that I'd rather be safe and not let bystander effect get in the way (-if you  don't know what that is, it's basically this phenomenon when there are more people around we assume someone else will take responsibility for something. Ex. someone else is probably already calling the cops so no point in me doing it too. or Someone else will get up and give their bus seat to that elderly man with a cane.) So I'm proud of myself for doing someonething that was scary. 

And also my best friend is really happy tonight and that makes me really happy. And also before all the drama my roommate and I were having some good chats about life and bonding over not knowing what our future holds. 

It started rocky but turned into quite a joyful day!

Stay safe, and tell the people you love you love them!



Day Eleven: Second Life And Christmas Shopping


Day Nine: Feeling Under The Weather But In Good Company