Day 15 and 16 - Emotional Recovery and Therapy

It’s been a challenging couple days. Day 15 was an emotional hang over mostly. I took some time alone at my apartment to teach lessons which was nice but weird to be home without my cat. It felt so empty (and clean ha!). But I decided to treat myself and order in some food. It was nice to relax and just be one my own with my thoughts. A lot of my students canceled or forgot to show up but I didn’t mind much, since I was already feeling a little low energy. I spent the night cozy and just playing my computer game with my Christmas lights on. It was not an amazing day but it felt good to just self-soothe a little.

Day 16 was better. Still a little hard because I had therapy in the morning but I had a pretty nice view. And it was a good session. I really needed it. So it felt good after but it was pretty heavy. Now we just hope I can survive the next couple weeks while my therapist takes a vacation! I had the day to myself so it was pretty slow. I needed a little extra self-care so I decided to take a bath this morning to refresh after Therapy. I played some games, taught some make-up lessons and we had a nice home-cooked meal. Definitely a weight off my mind (and wallet) not having to figure out dinner. We also made dessert which is like “Christmas Crack” except with peanut butter and gingebread and it is defintiely addicting. Mom and I watched a movie and drank some tea and it was a nice relaxing evening.

I hope you are all staying well!


Day 17 - Back to Midshifts and Cookie Baking


Day 14 - A Lot of Self Reflection