Day 17 - Back to Midshifts and Cookie Baking

The mall I work at finally decided to reduce their hours…one week before Christmas. Doesn’t make much sense to me but what do I know? Anyway what that means for me is mor midshifts since hours are so limited, most days are about 11 to 7 give or take. Which is not my favourite because it means I don’t have much of a morning and I don’t have much of an evening…however. There is a plus. For example, when I woke up I actually had light shining in my room. And everything just felt a little more awake.

So I tried to put myself together, I have been wearing lipstick because it just feels good and got really decked out in my Christmas jewelry. It’s kind of tradition for my jewelry to get gradually more festive as we get closer to Christmas and I’ll keep it up even if only my co-workers see it!

When I came home my cat decided to jump in her RV and it gave me a good chuckle. I bought this little “hut” for her that looks like a camper van on an impulse. And she never sued it. Until today she jumped inside and I had to try to capture it.

We also got started on some Christmas baking…ok well mostly my mom but I did help a bit. She was tyring out a new recipe but don’t worry. I get more involved in the other cookies.

Anyway, we (mostly me) watched 2 Christmas movies and I loved/hated them both and now I’m going to watch Virgin River until I can’t keep my eyes open.



Day 18 - Festive Scones and Trans Siberian Orchestra Concert!


Day 15 and 16 - Emotional Recovery and Therapy