Day 22 - Christmas Cookies and Present Wrapping

I am officially done all my Christmas shopping! Techncially I finished yesterday but I was still considering a couple extra things. I think I will just leave it for this year. Sometimes I go a little too crazy.

So today kicked off my day off with a slow morning. I stayed in bed, posted my blog, watched ASMR - I’ve discovered a new ASMRtist and her aesthetic alone has me with heart eyes:

Anyway after a slow morning and finally getting myself up and showered and doing my laundry I was ready to begin the day! We got started on our Christmas baking. I have tried to help with the baking every since I was a kid, although I suspect I’m more help now than I was back then. We usually make 3-4 differet kinds of cookies and sometimes my borther tackles the gingerbread. This year since we’re not celebrating physically with my brother we will pack some up and send them over to him and his fiance which meant we need more cookies than usual! A couple burnt batches later and we had an amazing assortment and I can’t wait to eat them! Top tip, always use a timer that actually works.

After baking that took us to about dinnertime which I’m going to skip over because I had an impromptu anxiety attack and so we’re just gonna move right along.

I made the drink my friend gifted me called “Pink Gin Fizz” and it was soo good! I’m gonig to have to find out what’s in it! And then I sat down to finish the final bits and pieces of my wrapping. I couldn’t show you everything because there were a lot of gifts for people that might read this so it has to be secret! But now I’m done!

We finished of the evening with another lead-up to Christmas tradition and watched The Bishop’s Wife. It’s one of my favourites. It’s a black and white film with Cary Grant and Loretta Young and it’s just quite charming and light-hearted. With that we also tried to finish off the Nova 7 that paired with the Pink Gin Fizz. It’s one of those wines that once you open it you want to finish it the same day! I think we made a pretty good dent.

Only 3 sleeps til Christmas! How can that be? I guess looking back my anxiety attack makes sense. I think I woke up feeling anxious. I remember thinking during our baking that I had that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It always makes sense the closer we get to Christmas the more I want to back pedal and say…uh wait wait not yet! But this year, while I have that urge I’m also like…ready to have Christmas and try to move on with the year? Who knows what’s going on inside my head.

I am thinking of everything feeling similarily unsettled, and everyone who is love this time on their own! And everyone who is indifferent. Sending warm wishes that this Christmas feels warm and you can hold yourself however you need to.

Until tomorrow!



Day 23 - Merry Christmas Eve Eve


Day 21 - A Great Burger and Movie