Day 4 - Is Die Hard Really A Christmas Movie?

The positives actually started when I though I had therapy at 8am but I actually had it at 9:30 and work didn’t start til 1pm so I got to sleep in! I set myself up for therapy, made some notes about what I wanted to talk about it was a good session. I decided I didn’t feel like diving too deep into anything but it gave me some good reminders about trusting myself and my instincts.

When I got home from work I decided it was time to finally decide for myself about whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie, so I watched it for the first time. All those Brooklyn 99 references starting adding up and honestly yeah I’ll let it fall under the Christmas category. I made popcorn and drank a beer and it was a nice night.

But honestly I’m totally wiped. Tomorrow is a day off so we’ll see what I get up too…not as many things I can go out and do for the blog, so hopefully I can find some things at home to entertain us all.



Day 5 - Going to See the Nutcracker…with My Cat


Day 3 - Christmas Movie Night