Day 15 - Much Needed Rest and Self Care

So originally I had things planned on this day and in the midst of my panic attack earlier this week I realized part of what was making me anxious was not having any time to recover and rest. So I cancelled everything and made today a “no plans” day. And man I really needed it. It was so nice to not have anywhere I really needed to be and honestly it was like 6pm and I realized I hadn’t spoken all day (except maybe to my cat). I got to just be and it was nice to be in my own home, not having to turn on for anyone or anything and be comfortable and do whatever I wanted.

I did have a little bit of a plan - I needed to pick something up from the post office which of course got delivered to the farthest one ever!!! (Exaggeration but it took about 40min there and back just to pick up cat litter!) But I did it first thing that day so I could get my task out of the way and not worry about it anymore so off I went. It was nice because I don’t usually walk around Little Italy and they had a little Christmas light set up and it was pretty and festive and made the walk for a 5 minute pick up easier. And let me just say I almost didn’t go. It took a lot to actually make myself do it especially when I saw it was raining but I motivated myself by telling myself if I didn’t do it now I wouldn’t have time to do it any other day. So we did the thing.

Then I took up my usual place with my games and Navi was determined not to be forgotten. I forgot my morning tea so I took a little nap with the fireplace (channel) and the tree on and oops I accidently slept for 3 hours. I guess I was tired. I reheated some Indian food from the other night (thanks past Brenna for ordering lots of food) and turned on The Holiday. I never realized how much I loved that movie until a few years ago. So good. I may have talked about this before but I think Jack Black is seriously overlooked as a love interest in some movies and I think he is so good in this one. And I mean Kate Winslet is perfection and I’m not mad about Jude Law. Ugh. Gets me every time and I’m even more determined to try my trip to the UK which my friends and I were planning the year COVID happened - as soon as it’s a possibility again!

So that was super cozy and I tried to refresh my nails to something a little more festive. They look alright but I am more talented in one hand then the other. I always get through one hand and realize I have to try to replicate it on my non-dominant hand. The night was still young and I was determined to pack in as many things as I could that make me happy so Hot Chocolate and Sims…don’t mind if I do! And when it was time to wind down I decided to draw another bath and I’ve been weirdly wanting to watch Harry Potter the last couple weeks for some reason. Why does that feel like a Christmas movie to me? Maybe it was all the English accents in The Holiday or maybe it was the Olivanders inspired ASMR I watched but I finally decided to do it! It really is magical and I’m surprised as I a kid I wasn’t more of a Potter-head - it’s right up my alley with witches and magic and castles!

And honestly that’s where my night ended! I didn’t quite make it through Harry Potter so I’ll have to finish it another night. I am feeling a little better about getting myself up and off to work for the weekend. And this little taste of rest is making me very excited for my 2 weeks off that I’m planning in January.

Until tomorrow friends.



Day 16 - Christmas Shopping and Productive Day


Day 14 - Christmas Shopping and a Long Overdue Bubble Bath