Day 16 - Christmas Shopping and Productive Day

I had a little more of a lie in than I planned today. I woke up earlier than I wanted to because it’s that time of the month and back pain is a great way to prevent you from falling alseep but also from being able to do anything productive at the same time. I popped my pain killers and tucked back in just until the pain was gone. It was so warm and cozy I never wanted to leave. But I did! I started my morning with a home-made Mocha and writing for the blog. I think I need to give up on asking when you want me to post. I always end up too tired to actually post it on the same night - I’m sorry!

So as I wrote in day 16 I was determined to start fresh and try to have a positive day at work and I’m trying really hard to feel that Christmas joy. I’m like aggressively trying to force myself to feel joy. I feel like this is me but to myself:

Anywho so I did my hair and that was a great decision cause everyone loved it. Little did they know I was just trying to curl it for the weekend. Full disclosure I think I went a full week without washing my hair…maybe longer. That’s a new benchmark for me. But we did it finally and now we’re here. So yeah basically I made myself look nice and yesterday my theme was SNOW because I’m trying to manifest snow for the holidays. Sorry everyone who hates snow, I really want it.

I left my house a bit early to check off some extra Christmas shopping bits and I bought two puzzles and I have ONE more person to buy a little something for and then I think I really am officially done! Might have to finish that off after the weekend though because on the weekends the mall is way too wild I don’t even want to leave my store.

Honestly it was a pretty productive first half of my day too. I ended spending more time in the back room then I planned but I was really grateful for a team that was handling everything on the shop floor so I could really get some things checked off my never ending list. I felt that inner critic being like why aren’t you doing what you’re supposed to and was able to give myself some grace and trust that my team has got this and I need to do these tasks right now and that’s okay. That’s why it’s a TEAM and not just me doing everything. We share the load.

And after work was pretty low-key because by the time I get home it’s like 11 usually, so I ate some leftovers, finished Harry Potter and then got cozy and turned in for the night. I started trying to watch the second one, but I think I’m over it and ready for Christmas movies again.

What movies do you absolutely have to watch at Christmas time? Any movie traditions? My Dad always records the bad Hallmark movies on their DVR and we watch them whenever I visit. We like to look for the fake snow and mostly we just make fun of it but I’m always very happy with them when they’re over. There are a few that I have to turn off and can’t bring myself to watch but mostly I love them. Tell me what you watch I’d love some recommendations!



Day 17 - Beginning the Weekend Survival


Day 15 - Much Needed Rest and Self Care