Day 2 - Warm Soup and Bubble Baths

I have a confession. I did 100% forget about taking photos until almost entirely into my work day. To be fair…there wasn’t much to photograph. It was a good day at work - we had a sort of visit and it was really productive. I’ve been having a hard time at work so it felt good to have a decent day where I left work feeling good.

On my way out though, I saw a musician playing Christmas Carols on a harp in the middle of the mall! That was so nice. It almost made me want to stay in the mall which is saying something. I didn’t though. I went to my parents for dinner and you know how I was going on yesterday about cream cheese bagels? Well you know what runs a close second? A bowl of warm soup and crackers. Simple. Quick. Satisfying. And my parents got me a surprise snack - Christmas Kettle corn! I think it was just regulars kettle corn with a festive package. I’m starting to think I should have called this 24 Days of What I Ate.

I did mean to do something else when I got home, but it’s now 9:30 at night and I’m so tired and ready for bed. So what I had originally planned for today I will get started tomorrow! I decided to wind down to a nice big bubble bath and a bath oil, a little face mask pamper and watch Vlogmas. I have trouble just sitting in the tub without anything else on…I find I need the background noise. So I’m all tucked up now and will get up early and get started or at least prepare for my plans after work!

I also checked a package I was tracking and I thought it was going to be here next week but it’s estimating arrival by tomorrow! I can’t wait! It’s something I’ve been wanting for so long!

Today was quick but honestly, hard to compete with a warm meal and that adorable kitty greeting you when you get home.

Until tomorrow!



Day 3 - Decorating the Apartment


Day 1 - A Strong Successful Start!