Day 23 - A Good Day at Work and Zoom Christmas Movies

I can’t believe I’m writing it again. I had a good day at work today. Even though it was long and I stayed late and it was non-stop, I actually had a good day! My old boss was visiting again to help support which was so nice. I think it’s because before she left we built a great system at work when I was the assistant manager and so we automatically fall into step. It also was just helpful to have more people on the floor to help manage the line-ups. I feel very grateful that amidst all the craziness I can feel really safe at work. I mean…I still don’t think I should be there. But I’m grateful to be getting a paycheck and still being allowed to keep myself safe. And lots of customers were really lovely and grateful too. And it just finally felt like Christmas at a time where it really doesn’t usually.

So anyway after all that I came home and relaxed a little and then hopped on Zoom with my best friend. We “watched” two Christmas movies and chatted and had some wine. I say “watched” because honestly we talked through both movies. It was very reminiscent of us in University. We always started a movie and did one of three things: 1. Talked through the whole thing paying no actual attention to the movie - it was background noise, 2. Talked about the movie making fun of it and making jokes about it the whole time without really taking it seriously or 3. At least one of us would fall asleep. Usually about halfway through one of us asks how much of the movie is left and we decide whether or not we can make it through. We did make it through both movies but just barely. The internet started to go down and we took it as a sign that it was time to give up on watching it. It was nice to catch up and chat like we used to as if we were actually there in person. We even started brainstorming travel ideas when that’s a thing again. It will give us something to look forward to.

And honestly that was my day! It was nice, it flew by and it was non-stop. One more day and while I’ve not been perfect with my blogging, considering how much I was doing it before I’d say I did really well. I hope that this has given me a little habit and kick-start I need to get back into a more regular swing again.

I hope that you are doing okay, and finding some sort of joy this holiday season. Whether that’s taking time off work, buying yourself a new book, or spending time with someone you love…whatever it is. I hope that you are finding some joy in those little moments. I know it’s hard. I believe in you!

Til tomorrow!



Day 24 - Surviving Christmas Eve


Day 22: Final Errands, Christmas Baking and Movie Night