Day 21 - A Strong Start and An Ending I’d Like to Forget

I’m going to keep day 21 brief. What a shame to have a good day come to such a sorrowful end. It’s a night I’d like to forget. But let me start with the parts worth remembering. 24 Days of Joy right?

I relaxing morning - sleeping in, cat cuddles, tea, vlogmas. I even remembered to eat. I did my hair and set myself up for a good day. Work was so busy but I love it. This is the kind of day I wish we could have all the time. It was fun it was festive and it flew by.

It was a closing shift so I wasn’t home until close to midnight. That’s when the drama unfolded. I won’t go into detail. I don’t really care to spend much more time talking about it. I want my to save my energy for the people and places that appreciate it. Like you folks. Instead I will leave you with my writing. Because on hard days full of sadness and hurt and pain I know I can click away and find some way of expressing myself. I’m so grateful for those outlets. I may not be any good, but it helps me and that’s the most important part. I know this isn’t much of an upper but I promise a couple more days means a couple more chances to lift your spirits (and mine!)



Day 22 - Home For Christmas


Day 20 - Christmas Baking and Getting in My Feelings