Day 9 - The Adventure of the Christmas Bar

So day 9 was once again a morning feeling a little sleep deprived but I made myself some Christmas Tea in a Christmas mug and decided to feature my new Christmas sweater purchase at work! Today’s feature is the Christmas sweater vest! So I got all done up and just as I was sitting down on the subway I got a message from my boss saying that the order I was going in early to receive didn’t show up and that I should go back to bed and come in for 11. I immediately got off the subway and walked home and went straight to bed! I was very grateful for the extra hours of sleep - I needed it. I’m slowly but surely catching up I think.

So a delayed start meant the day went by fairly quickly and then I headed home for the real fun to begin. First I had a list to check off - write my blog post, take a nap, order food, wrap a present and then get ready! And your girl did manage to get most of it done. A couple pre-drinks with a friend while I finished eating rice dogs (if you haven’t tried Korean rice dogs you need to. So. Good.) then we were ready to head out. Our vibe was sort of the rich aunties at your Christmas dinner and I think we nailed it.

So we walked down to the bar only to find out that our name was on the waitlist and we were looking at an hour and a half wait. We were hopeful and committed so we figured let’s go have a drink somewhere else while we wait for our turn. We wandered until we found a place that had some free tables and wine and decided to try it out. If you’re in Toronto the place is called Praise Bottle Shop. We sat down ordered some Prosecco because we were feeling festive and our server was so fun and friendly.

We had a great time chatting and drinking our drinks and eventually after about 2 hours we thought to ourselves….should we maybe just forget about the Christmas bar for tonight? It was already 11 and let’s be real…past both our bedtimes! So we ordered some more drinks and told them we decided this was the place to be instead of the Christmas bar (they knew we were waiting to go there because I mean…did you see the vest?) The bartender came over and offered to make us some fun cocktails since we were missing out on the Christmas bar! And then they came over and told us that there was no one in the basement and there was a bluetooth speaker - we could go there and play our own Christmas music! So off we went feeling so grateful and so happy it was such a nice gesture - these people literally didn’t need to do any of that for us but they turned our night into something unforgettable!

It was such a lovely evening and it was nice to go out for once - I feel like it’s been so long since I actually got out and did something on a Friday night. I felt young again! ha!

I hope that your weekend is off to a nice start and that someone goes out of their way to bring you a little joy, and that maybe you can pay it forward and do that for someone too.

Bye for now,



Day 10 - Tree Decorating and All the Bath Bombs


Day 8 - I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead!