Day Nine - Show Days and Paper Writing!

I finally have some space to breathe again - I’ve been working hard to get my paper for school finished and finally feel like I can take some time to catch up! I’m cozied up in my PJ’s, sitting by the tree and if I can get enough hot water, there may be a bath in my future tonight.

Today started a little rocky I’m not going to lie. I had a meeting with a group for a school project and that was fine - it’s nice to get to talk to other classmates and future counsellors! I had some issues with one of my work invoices and because I have so many teaching days and a variety of piano and voice students it can be challenging to track it all in a way that makes sense for both myself and the person who pays me and it was quite stressful and tedious trying to double and triple check my calculations. One of the downsides of being a contracted worker.

But once I was able to sort it, I gave myself a few minutes to just relax and then had to get ready for my first show. I wasn’t really in a great headspace and then to top it off the subway had some major closures. A few years ago, and maybe even a year or two ago that would have made me really anxious - the change would have stirred up my need to be in control and caused a lot of unneeded and unhelpful anxiety. But I took stock of the situation, adapted and was able to make my way to the theater, not just early but anxiety-free!

The show went well and it was so much fun to have a full audience. There’s always a lot going on backstage - ballerinas running everywhere, make-up being applied and dances being practiced…it’s all very fun and exciting to be a part of it!

After the first show I headed back home for some hard school grind and managed to bang out my paper. It still needs some finishing touches but over-all I think it’s a decent submission. As my therapist says, we’re aiming for a solid B these days. I managed to make some dinner before my second show and on my way I was able to stop and admire some of the lights decorating some of the houses. When I arrived at the theater I was definitely feeling the exhaustion kick in, but once you’re backstage in the dark room and then in the pit next to the orchestra it’s like a little jolt of energy that keeps you going!

On my way home it was pouring so I didn’t get too many photos but I found a $5 bill in my pocket and bought myself a little treat from the corner store! I felt like I was a kid in the 50’s going to the candy store to see what I could buy with a quarter! I am not really a pop drinker but something about Cherry Vanilla Coke was just what I was craving tonight and I am realizing now that a caffeinated drink at 8pm probably wasn’t my smartest decision…

Now my legs are aching and I have to do a couple things for homework so I’m going to sign off here and I will be back again tomorrow with another day of joy!



Day Ten - Christmas Lights, Protests and Decorating the Tree


Day Seven - Happy Hanukkah, Cozy Friend Day and Dress Rehearsals!