Day Thirteen - Cozy Study Days

Holy moly. It’s already day thirteen. I feel like I’ve been swept up a bit in all the craziness and business but I am so close to a break. Yesterday I really struggled with my energy - once again struggling to get up at a time that feels productive. Actually I should struggling to stay awake because I woke up around 8 and then went back to bed at 10am because my brain felt really foggy. Once I got up I was able to get a lot more work done. That’s a lesson I’m learning slowly but surely - sometimes it’s more productive to take the rest you’re body needs than struggle for hours.

On my way to work right as I got off the bus it started snowing! I tried to capture it in a photo but you couldn’t really see it. It ended up only lasting a few minutes but it was a magical few minutes. I got myself a decaf tea because it helps make lessons feel a little more manageable to have a hot drink and set up a little festive corner since it was my last day with my Wednesday students.

After that I headed home for even more work - I am so close to being done with my final project and my final readings that I just want to get it all done so I have nothing to worry about! The study session was made a little but more inviting by making myself a “grown-up” hot chocolate - I have my mom to thank for that idea. She introduced adding amaretto to hot chocolate and if you haven’t tried it…go go go! Do it now!

And that just about sums up that day. Pretty uneventful now that I’m in crunch time with school, and you know taking a second job but that’s okay - quiet days are important too. They can’t all be ultra festive and exciting! Joy doesn’t have to be loud, sometimes there is quiet joy.



Day Fourteen - The Home Stretch!


Day Twelve - Meetings Dog Walks and Another Show