Day Six - Singing in the Nutcracker!

Well folks, today was a little strange for me. I had a lot that I wanted to get done and wasn't quite able to do it all. I was feeling a little off, and not quite myself and I guess just exhausted? I started the day updating the blog and doing some school work while my kitty snuggled close by. I realized that I really didn't have food for breakfast or dinner so I made my way to the grocery store for a few basics to get me through. I’m still waiting to be paid so…the finances are dwindling a bit. Looks like I’m going to be living off rice and pasta for a bit. Anyway, I was almost there when I noticed my tote bag had fallen off my shoulder and was gone! So back I went retracing my steps and to my luck and surprise, it stayed right where I dropped it!

Shortly after I got home and made myself some breakfast I needed to crawl back into bed. Productive things weren't happening and I was feeling pretty low. My depression has been a whole lot better but I still have days where everything just feels hard. After I woke up I realized I didn't have dress shoes for my dress rehearsal and off I went again! Thankfully Value Village was there for me and provided exactly what I needed.

Back home to get ready and it was time for our dress rehearsal for The Nutcracker! I have the wonderful opportunity to perform in this show and it’s one that I’ve often gone to see with friends that I used to dance with - it was kind of our tradition. If you go back through the 24 Days of Joy archives you’ll see that in 2020 my friends and I watched The Nutcracker together virtually. So cool to be able to say that I’m in it this year!

Rehearsal was a little nerve-wracking and intimidating - this is a pretty big production so there is a lot going on and our job as singers is basically to just stay out of everyone’s way and sing our hearts out. Meeting the Maestro was awesome and it was so so so incredible to get to sing in the pit with a live orchestra! And not just any orchestra but the National Ballet Orchestra!

After we were released it was back home and time to hit the books. I’ve got an assignment due this Sunday and another one due the following Sunday so I’m feeling pretty stretched thin…hmmm suddenly my exhaustion earlier in the day is starting to make a lot of sense! Funny how that works…

I managed to push myself to get the dishes done and wind down a bit with some gaming before calling it a night. I think I remembered to eat somewhere in there.

Remember to take time for yourself and go drink some water!



Day Seven - Happy Hanukkah, Cozy Friend Day and Dress Rehearsals!


Day Five - Schoolwork, Laundry and Being in My Feelings