An App for Keeping Track

As someone with anxiety, I find it helpful to see any patterns in my anxious tendencies. Some will stand out more than others of course and some I already know. I also use an app on my phone called Flo to keep track of my cycle, but it also lets me input emotions or physical experiences so I was kind of doubling up -using it as half period tracker, half anxiety tracker. But I recently stumbled across a new app called Reflectly.

This app is kind of a mobile journal, that allows you to input moods and your over-all impression of how a day felt. It also gives you the opportunity to describe what happened. I can see this being super helpful with my journey to get a handle on my anxiety. I have only just started using it but it's quick and I like that I have a resource to look through and find any commonalities in what made a day good or bad for me. It's also helpful to see what kind of days I tend to have. Do most of my days tend to be pretty good and I have one really bad one now and again? Or do they all tend to be kind of meh? Pretty balanced?
I thought I'd share it here in case you are looking to add a little mindfulness and self-care time into your daily routine. Here are some screenshots from my app on my android device.


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