What to Do When You’re Panicking

I always have to start with a disclaimer. Everyone is different, we all have different needs and different likes/dislikes. This post is about being in the moment - on the verge of a panic attack or escalating levels of anxiety and not knowing what to do with yourself or how to stop it. This is how I handle them. These are my two pillars when trying to manage my own anxiety or depressive episodes.


I pretty much always text/call my Mom or Dad. Why? Because they have been experiencing these attacks with me more than anyone else and they understand better than anyone else what to say to calm my anxiety. I also firmly believe that the act of sharing can relieve some of our anxieties. Keeping it to myself makes me spiral even more towards negative thinking - "I'm all alone in this" "I have no one here" "I don't know what I'm going to do". Things like that. Text someone, or a couple people if you're not comfortable phoning them. If you're at a point in our life where you are still trying to connect more closely with people and don't feel comfortable sharing, try talking to a stranger. There are online and free counseling resources for you to talk to someone about anything. It might feel weird but you never have to face them again if you don't want to. Check out 7 Cups of Tea and see if it is the right fit for you. (No this isn't sponsored). Just feeling the freedom of expressing yourself can sometimes help you feel a little more invincible and give you the strength to get through it. And the plus side is that the person you talk to might have some good advice, friendly reminders, positive affirmations or coping mechanisms to share. I think even just telling yourself can be helpful - that's why I write this blog. Open a word document or write in a journal. Just share what you're feeling. No rules. 


This is probably the hardest part. When I get worked up, I sometimes find myself stuck in this negative space where it almost seems as though part of me just wants to sit there all day. The half of me is screaming "Come on! Let's go! Let's go for a walk or watch a movie or play a game! Stop that!" But the other half just sits there. Moping and terrified. This is why I find it helpful to talk to someone first. When it feels hard to make decisions for yourself, I often find it easier to take order from people (nice orders.). If my partner is around during panic or anxiety, that's a good time for him to say "Okay, go take a bath, watch a show and then we'll go get some dinner." or "Let's go walk around town and pick up some snacks for a movie." Orders that I should be giving myself but I lack the strength and mental capacity to follow through with. My favourite distractions right now are:

  • Watercolour painting (you don't have to be good at it...trust me. I'm living proof of that.)

  • Watching Youtube Videos (Comedic Ones preferably)

  • Taking a nap (This is sometimes hard to do but I can usually accomplish this with a youtube video on in the background)

  • Cleaning - when you feel like everything else is falling through, it can help to take control of something like organizing or cleaning your living space

  • Meditation - guided meditation is a great way for me to get those "nice orders" from someone on how to calm myself while also doing things that will calm my heightened physical sensations at the same time. 

Please share you're go to techniques in comments and I hope some of these ideas may help keep you a little more grounded. Don't be ashamed of asking for help, you are not a burden.


Games for Calming Stress and Anxiety


My Favourite Calming Youtube Videos