Day 13: Simple Pleasures and Learning About my Coping Options

I have taken to stealing my Dad's tablet in order to blog. My laptop is becoming more fussy with every passing day so rather than deal with frustration each time I have to use it, I thought I'd better find a new option and this just happened to be one of them. It's so much easier to set up than my laptop but the screen is so much larger than my cell phone! I also don't have to type an entire blog post out on a tiny little touch keyboard with my thumbs. My Dad has one of those fancy keyboard cases that go with it so I can actually still type out my posts with both hands! 

Anyway so that's my first celebration of joy. My second doesn't have a photo but I have recently switched Doctors. If you read my Open Heart page, you may know that I had a discouraging and unsatisfying visit with my Doctor and have decided to switch over. Today I sat down with her and talked about my anxiety and what my options were moving forward. She was so helpful and introduced me to the concept of "self-guided" (my terminology) Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. I knew of CBT, but I never thought it was something I could apply on my own without help. She told me about a book called Mind Over Mood, and a website that is sort of an online "course" (my word again) for doing CBT called MoodGym. If I engage in either one of these you can bet I'll be blogging about it! She also gave me some options for things covered by my Health Card and some other non-covered options. Needless to say I felt like I finally got the info I was seeking and not only that, I felt respected, and supported.

Then I settled in for a little cozy Christmas card writing session. I'm slowly making my way through all my students and their Calligrif-ied (again my term...I'm making up lots of words apparently) names. Can you tell I'm into the calligraphy thing?

After work I settled in for some gaming - I had my twitch streams on in the background and my Sims on and it was a good time. And now I'm so ready for bed. I put on my favourite lotion from Lush right now. It's amazing and as soon as I smell that lavender I'm basically in dream-land already. 

I hope you are having a lovely time - only 12 days until Christmas!



Day 14: Holiday Class Party Prep and Making Santa on The Sims


Day 12: A Challenging Day