Day 14: Holiday Class Party Prep and Making Santa on The Sims

Another jam-packed day. Got a lot of things accomplished today so I won't have to worry about them tomorrow including my lesson plans for our children's music class party! It's a musical Christmas tree! And if you think I spent my morning cutting out a giant Christmas Tree and colouring instruments, then you are right. I had to grab a couple things for our class party which meant, despite the cold, I was able to go outside for a nice walk in our little "winter wonderland". I was pretty pleased about it! 

I wish it was appropriate for me to put videos of all my students singing up on here because they all performed so well at the concert tonight! Another proud evening for me! They all did so well and made me very proud to call them my students. I'm so exited to get to see them grow as musicians as the year goes on!

After a long day, (if only I got paid by the hour!), I allowed myself some down time. Since I was in the Christmas spirit I made Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus on The Sims 4 as inspired by IrrelephantSims. I find her videos very relaxing and calming when I'm having a bad day. I like to run them on in the background while I do tasks or as I fall asleep and she's so talented too. Her creativity and detail is something I'm so inspired by!

And now I'm cozy in bed and in for another loooooong day tomorrow. The good news is after tomorrow I get a sort of day off before the rest of the craziness ensues! I need to find a way to stop living life for the moment the craziness stops, and start living amid the craziness and in spite of it. Not an easy task I if you have any ideas, please comment below!

​Good night!


Day 15: Christmas Presents and Karaoke!


Day 13: Simple Pleasures and Learning About my Coping Options