Day Ten: Productive with a Bittersweet Ending

Post-movie selfie before we try to stay awake on the subway home because we are old ladies and are ready for bed at 9pm.

Post-movie selfie before we try to stay awake on the subway home because we are old ladies and are ready for bed at 9pm.

Okay so! Today I officially finished all my Christmas shopping! Which feels pretty good. Something I don't have to worry about from now until I have to actually wrap them - not sure when I'm going to have time for that yet but...I'll worry about that tomorrow.

I also got to decorate the Christmas tree at my mom's place - one of our traditions except a little earlier than usual this year. Feels a little strange decorating and then just leaving...but I'm happy to come home to my own tree too. 

Also headed to a movie with my friend tonight and even though I was unimpressed with the actual film the company was nice and the getting out of the house to do things is good too! 

Without getting into detail, I'm working hard not to let some disappointing "news" drag my night down. It's not life-altering - it's barely even week-altering news - but it was just something that disappointed me and if we've ever had a conversation about our least favourite emotions (as people typically do on a regular basis...?), you'll know that disappointment is my least favourite, so it hits me pretty hard. But as I said, I know my life will go on, but I'm going to be okay with feeling sad about it in the moment, so that I don't build up tension. One of the things I talked about with my therapist was compassion with yourself. And being okay with how you feel. It's okay that I'm sad. It's not silly and it won't feel sad always. So that's a good thing. 

That all makes it sound so dramatic doesn't it? Don't worry it's not. But I'm going to leave it vague and mysterious. 


Tomorrow is a new day- looong day ahead of me tomorrow!


Day Eleven: Queen of Assumptions and Ready to Sleep for the Rest of the Year


Day Nine: Catching Up with Old Friends and Roommate Festivities