Day Nine: Catching Up with Old Friends and Roommate Festivities

Wow I don't even know what to say. My heart is so full of joy and gratitude. I am so thankful for all the friends and opportunities I have and I am just feeling the love tonight guys. 

This morning I did not wake up to an alarm and I got to wake up after the sunrise. Can I just stop and talk about how amazing that was? It felt so good. I didn't even get to really sleep in beyond 9am, but to be able to get up simply because I couldn't' sleep. Wow life's simple pleasures. I got to kick start my day with a lovely walk, catching up with an old friend. I love when you can meet up with someone you haven't spoken to and still feel a little bit like you're right back in high school (except for all the adult stuff you talk about now like careers and money [or lack thereof]). 

Then I came back home and my roommate and I got ourselves out to actually put food in our fridge which was well overdue and on the way home we picked up Bernard! (He's our Christmas tree). His full name is Spruce Bernard Springsteen, but I like to call him Bernard. He is the perfect tree for us. We set him up, made dinner, decorated Bernard, and watched the Holiday and I didn't even cry once! As if that wasn't perfect enough we made hot chocolate and then I put on the fireplace ( On Netflix.) and I wrote Christmas cards while my roommate sat and did some work. It was so nice. To be in the company of someone special that I surprisingly don't get to see that often, but also to just have a night where I had no obligations except to do what I needed. 

Like I said wow. My heart is so full it might burst. 

So far a highlight of the month...maybe even year to be honest. It's been a rough one but today has been so opposite. I am sending all the happiness and joy your way so if it hasn't come to you yet, it's coming. Promise. 


Day Ten: Productive with a Bittersweet Ending


Day Eight: Christmas Party And An Actual Night Out!