Day Eight: Christmas Party And An Actual Night Out!

Day 8 was off to a good start. I mentioned last Saturday that I've been getting to sleep in a bit lately which is pretty cool so I had lots of time to get myself ready for work and be alive for teaching children. I had a really wonderful class with them today too. I've been having a hard time because the students in the class are inconsistent but we sang some Christmas songs and one of the younger students is doing so well considering she's with older kids. It makes me so happy to hear them singing even if half the words are wrong, they have smiles on their faces and that's such a joy for me. 

Also when I woke up I saw a fresh blanket of snow on the ground! A very thin blanket, but still there! After work it was time to get into party prep mode! My work rented out an indoor arcade for out Christmas Party and I got to get all dressed up. There was free food, drinks, and music. It was really fun! I wish that I wasn't completely exhausted to begin with because I had to turn in a little earlier than I originally wanted to. I was feeling overwhelmed by all the people and tired from non-stop work and needed to go home to my bed. But it was so nice getting to spend time with my co-workers not on the clock and just having fun. I went home feeling really grateful for the friends I've made there. 

On my way home I had to stop to grab a quick snapshot of that iconic tower. Let's also talk about the fact that it didn't take me an hour to get home! Now that I've moved going home at the end of the night is so much easier and it makes me so happy!

It was a great night. I haven't had a night to go out and be dressed up and really primp in a long time. So I was very excited and grateful for the opportunity. Even if the mac n cheese was only sub-par.



Day Nine: Catching Up with Old Friends and Roommate Festivities


Day Seven: Forget 9 to 5, Let’s Do 7 to 8