Day Eleven: Second Life And Christmas Shopping

I don't know why or how but today I was feeling back to normal and while waking up was a particular challenge this morning, I had a great therapy session. I get to do a lot more celebrating and reflecting in my sessions these days and I think I'm ready to cut back to once a month. I got to talk through some successes and also some things that I'm still trying to work out. I left feeling really proud and excited for myself. What a great feeling that we all deserve to have! If you're reading this and still have questions about therapy, I am an open book and love talking about it so please ask away. 

Work was great - it was busy but great energy from most people and I also started reading my new book and guys - I'm so into it! I love every minute of it so far. It's predictable (probably) and sappy but I'm so into it! It's making my hour-long commute to work way more enjoyable! 

After work I did some power shopping with my mom who I haven't seen in so long (3 days...too long!) and I had to catch her up on al my life "drama" (aka telling her about how grown up I am for calling 911 *cue eye roll emoji*) but I feel so satisfied because I have officially checked off all but 3 things on my To Do Before Christmas List and I know what I want to do for everything else at least. So even if I didn't pick up what I wanted I know what it is I will be getting so it should be pretty quick to check the rest off! I love being productive!

I am going to turn in as I have an early day ahead of me! Ifyou're still reading, thanks for being here and thanks for being you :)

Stay warm!


Day Twelve: A Rough Day, Good Support And Police Escort Home


Day Ten: Feeling Better and Holiday Card Writing