Day Twelve: A Rough Day, Good Support And Police Escort Home

Did my title catch your interest? It's not a joke but let's start at the beginning shall we? Oh my friends it's never a dull moment around here.

I will be completely honest with you - today was not a great day for me. I got hit with some hard "reality" at work which turned into confusing "reality" which turned into...wait is this even reality? I got some feedback about my leadership style that left me feeling guilty, disliked and a little alone to be honest. It wasn't anyone's intention, it's just that my anxieties dwell on comments that involve what other people think of me. And this feedback was playing right to those insecurities without even knowing it. So it ended up with me almost having a panic attack in the back room at work - there was some hyperventilating before I was able to pull myself together and leave for the day. 

My night did go up from there though so that's the good news. Despite some difficult and confusing emotions, I took actions that I was able to for now, and talked it out and it was time to move on! Because my students were performing in a Christmas concert and I needed to be there! I took my raw emotions and watched my students shine. Once again I was a very proud teacher. 

The night would only continue to go up because I was able to drown myself in the support (and mixed drinks) that only a best friend can provide. I was in the right place for a pep talk and the drinks she made didn't hurt either. We had a very delicious and nutritious meal to pair with our evening of a pretty horrible Christmas movie. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Unfortunately there was bound to be a little blip in that smooth course because I walked home to find my entire street taped off with police tape. Apparently they weren't letting anyone in - after pointing to my little home - porch light beckoning me to come in - the police officer let me cross and walked me to my driveway. I don't know what they are invesitgating but I just hope everyone is okay. It's not exactly joyful but I guess the joy is that I am home and safe and hopefully everyone involved in whatever happened will be safe too. I don't doubt that it may be related to the other night's fiasco. Let's all send a little love towards whoever may need it right about now. 

Not a perfect day - but a day with real challenges and real joy all mixed in with the tough stuff.

Stay safe my friends.



Day Thirteen: Recovery Mode


Day Eleven: Second Life And Christmas Shopping