Day Thirteen: Recovery Mode


If you recall, yesterday was not one of my best days! Still lots of great things happened but I was exhausted from the anxiety I'd experienced. So today was pretty much a recovery day. I spent a lot of time relaxing and reading my book. My book by the way has turned out to be a little more "damsel in distress" than I would like, but it's still got me hooked on the drama. 

Not much to report really but definitely enjoyed the time to sleep in and recover. I did some teaching today and I only have one week left of teaching until Christmas break begins at the studio! I'm looking forward to giving my students their cards and having a little more down time for a bit! I will try to have some more photos for tomorrow to document the joy but when the joy is as simple as sleeping in and lying on the couch reading there's only so many ways you can document that!

But also, with every day that goes by...I am affirming that I might actually know what I want to do with the rest of my life...which is kind of a big deal. But I'm not 100% sure so more on that another day. It's exciting to feel the spark of something new on the horizon though.

Hope you've had a lovely week and that your weekend is off to a good start!



Day Fourteen and Fifteen: Not My Finest Hour


Day Twelve: A Rough Day, Good Support And Police Escort Home