Day Twenty-One: Roommate Christmas

After another long day I was very much looking forward to coming home and curling up on the couch. My roommate and I decided, since she was heading home for Christmas tomorrow, to do our Christmas tonight! 

But first I opened up a gift from my Secret Santa at work who knows me so so  well! She got me snacks (and unique ones too that I've never tried before) and tea so that I when I settle in for my gaming sprees I'm well supplied! So sweet! I loved it! Can't wait to try out the snacks!

After a good catch-up session my roommate and I settled in with popcorn and Christmas cookies and watched one of my favourite Christmas movies - The Santa Clause. It was perfect! then we opened gifts from each other!

Once again my friends know me so well! A little  air plant witha  floaty that reminded me of Norman (I will include a phot of Norman) and the most perfect sweater in the whole wide world! My roommate knows I love cats and how special one particular white cat used to be, and she knows I love doing Yoga with Adriene. A while ago I talked about buying some of Adriene's merch but I never made the move to purchase it. Well she made me something even better! She designed and printed this sweater for me so now I have a nice cozy yoga sweater! It has Adriene's famous one liner "Find What Feels Good" on it and I love it! Absoulutely the perfect evening! Best roommate ever! 

Now I'm so sleepy but I get to turn off all my alarms tomorrow and I have some fun stuff planned for tomorrow!

Until then!


This is us and Norman!

This is us and Norman!


Day Twenty Two: Long Walks, Sims and Saving Christmas!


Day Twenty: Christmas Baking and Teacher Gifts