Day Five: Non-Stop and List-Making

Day Four didn't allow for a whole lot of time or picture taking. It was an 8am to 9pm with my jobs back to back. It went by alright though. A little coffee to keep me going at night and honestly the fact that most of my students are singing Christmas music keep me going too. 

It was a productive day at work - I like opening because I feel like I'm good at setting us up for the day. The reason being that we have checklists and I respond really well to lists...I like seeing what needs to be done and actually getting the satisfaction of seeing it all done in front of you. 

I made a list of my own, running through everything that  needed to be done before Christmas so I can stay organized and don't have to run around at the last second trying to find what I need. I even checked something off last night. That may seem like one small thing on the list but it was a really time consuming (and fun!) project. I can't reveal half my list though because it involves Christmas gifts for people I know read my blog ((Sorry spoilers!)

Anywho, it was a good day but a whirlwind day and I can't say much because I'll ruin Christmas presents so I'll save those up for a later time!

Stay warm!


Day Six: Getting Our Christmas Tree


Day Four: Decorating for Christmas