Day 6 - Bathroom Jam and Movie Night

My morning was off to a great start. I did yoga, and I took my time to do my make-up. I even found the Hilary Duff Christmas album on Spotify. I have been waiting for this album to be available - I swear the last couple years I’ve searched and couldn’t find it! I jammed out hard - probably too hard for my neighbours at 9:30am.

I had a bit of a mix up with work. I forget my schedule had changed and was looking at my old schedule. So when I arrived I was actually an hour and a half late. Luckily my boss is really understanding when I explained I forgot we changed it and let me just work my old shift. I was really uspet I did that - I hate making mistakes and I hate letting people down. Myself included. But I moved past it and went on with my day. I remembred leftovers for dinner too so I was good today and didn’t buy food.

When I got home I made myself a hot chocolate, like an all-out hot chocoalte. The works. And had a little catch up with my friends on zoom before diving into another Christmas movie. I love these nights. If you followed my 100 Days of Positivity you probably already know how much they mean to me. I am definitely thriving off of them because it gives me connection, makes me laugh, distracts me and gives me a plan to look forward to. It sounds weird but I think the pandemic has allowed us to spend more time with each other….even if it’s virtually.

Navi has been really needy today but I’m not sure what she wants. Perhaps she just needs endless pets? I petting her with my foot as I write this so hopefully that’s doing it for her….I just checked and she seems pretty blissful.

So until tomorrow friends!



Day 7 - Hot Chocolate and Work Laughs


Day 5 - Going to See the Nutcracker…with My Cat