Day 7 - Hot Chocolate and Work Laughs

In true December and Blogmas fashion, I fell asleep on the couch last night before posting my Day 7, so we’re a little late but it’s here!

While Navi isn’t cuddler, she it usually there to wake me up in the morning, and usually she’s meowing in my face. Which was annoying at first but honestly now it’s like an alarm clock. Sometimes you can just sleep through it. I think it’s her way of saying she missed me all night…ha!

At work me and my coworker decided we needed hot chocolate (we decide this a lot, especially in the Winter), and that was a nice treat. I also had a good laugh when I could see one of my co-workers had a little fun with the signage in one of our displays. It took me way to long to notice and when I did I geeked out. I couldn’t figure out who it was but the culprit told me later that day, after I had added to the display. I wonder how it will escalate…? We can’t do this when people are in store so we have a limited time to play this game.

In the middle of my shift one of my co-workers was coming in from taking out an order and stopped at the door saying, “You guys both need to come out here right now. Like right now. Like now.So we ran out only to see a man with two teeny tiny little chihuaha’s running around his feet. And I mean tiny. Like their whole body was as big as my cat’s face. My heart died and I started to think maybe I need a puppy in my life. (I do not need to buy a puppy) But they were so well trained, I don’t know how! They were only 3 months and knew this man was their person. He didn’t have them on leads, he just walked away and they would follow him! I would be afraid of losing them but this guy was so chill about it. I will try to locate a photo and if I do will insert it here!


Anyway, that was thrilling. At the end of the night I had 15minutes before close, and I was ready to get stuff done and be out early, but of course everyone calls for their pick-ups including one of our huge orders. So I mean it was really heavy because I had to carry out 3 orders, but then of course on my way to the first one (the small one) one of the giant bags rips. And I’m basically stranded in a parking lot, and started to panic a bit…I didn’t really know what to do! I was alone at work and couldn’t call for back-up, but I didn’t want to leave the bags unattended either! Anyway, I really quickly ran the small order while watching the bags the whole time, I pulled up my socks (metaphorically) and hauled the ripped bag into my arms and carried the other one by handle praying it wouldn’t rip - it was a sight to see I’m sure. All this to say, I’m an indpendent woman who figure her shit out.

So the night ended with me on the couch and I was just too comfortable to get up and I fell asleep. So here we are! But when I woke up in the middle of the night Navi was right there with me. Glad she and I are on the same page.

Hope your day was just as thrilling! (that’s kind of sarcastic but the puppies were pretty exciting).



Day 8 - Packing Up and Going “Home” for Christmas


Day 6 - Bathroom Jam and Movie Night