Day 8 - Packing Up and Going “Home” for Christmas

Today was quite the day. It was a day that kind of snuck up on me and I’ve had mixed feelings about for a while. Given the current circumstance of our city, I decided that to ensure I don’t have to be alone in my apartment on Christmas and to just not be alone anymore, I would move in with my parents for a bit. This felt like the safest time to do it, while I’m not interacting with dozens of people (most of them who don’t follow the guidelines), and it’s been 2 weeks since the malls closed. My reservations? Well, it’s not actually my home anymore. It’s technically not theirs either. They just bought their home, and this place is sort of an in-between home. Last Christmas was our last one in my childhood home. So this is something I’ve never experienced - Christmas in this new home. But also it’s hard to try to live with people you haven’t lived with since you were a kid. It’s hard for both parties. Life is different. But there are a lot of positives. For one big positive, holy moly I finally get so see my parents and sit with them, and have dinner with them, and watch movies with them… you get the point. I’m sure you understand. It doesn’t come without challenges but I think the benefits outweigh the cons. I’m tired of being alone - words I never thought I’d say as an introvert!

So anyway! Today started with me waking up and quickly finishing my blog post - oops! If you read it earlier, the dog picture should be up now! And then I needed to get myself going. So I hopped in the shower, put on some clothes (yes jeans again!) and made myself some breakfast and a coffee. I caught up on Zoella’s Vlogmas and enjoyed some relaxation, because that was about the last bit I got until later in the evening. After that we started wrapping Christmas presents. It had to be done so that I didn’t have to lug all my giftwrap and just so it was done and out of the way. Almost all my gifts have been wrapped and I have some ready to be sent off in the post (I hope it arrives in time!) That was a bit of a hurricane in my living room but we got it tidied up. Then we folded laundry which was going the whole time, cleaned out the fridge, did the dishes and finally started packing. Breif pause for “dinner” which yes okay it was take-out because I didn’t want to do dishes! So I got rice dogs which are kind of like corn dogs except it’s rice flour on the outside. So. Freaking. Good.

After that it was about time for me to teach my lessons for the evening. One of my students drew a fab picture of “Christmas in Killarney”. I was trying to get him to imagine what the song was about so I asked him to illustrate what the song described. He did not fall short. And then Navi and I made the big move over to my parents! I even found my first Christmas card in the post before I left and got to read a lovely card from a dear friend of mine. Just sweet words. It’s already sitting on my bedside table.

I put up lights in the guest room and really tried to make it feel like home. I think it will be good being here. There is also way more natural light which will be good for me. The only problem? With a big “move” like this I’m bound to forget some things….try a lot of things. You’d think with all that stuff I brought I’d have more than enough. But your girl forgot all her underwear so I guess that’s a problem I’m going to have to right ASAP. Is that too much? Honestly at this point where’s the line? I don’t know. I am going to write my students lesson notes now and finally go to bed.

Good night lovely people!



Day 9 - Letter Writing, Christmas Village and Zoom Chats


Day 7 - Hot Chocolate and Work Laughs