Day 7 - It Really Was a No Bones Day

The first 3 photos I have are so blissful and peaceful compared to how the rest of the day went. I had a late shift again so a nice slow morning…admittedly I did work from home for the first couple hours but then I made some time to relax and game before heading to work.

And honestly it all just kind of fell apart from there. As soon as I got to work I just felt kind of overloaded all of sudden with tasks and not really having the time to do them. The holidays are a tough time because it’s a lot of training and new expectations with new staff members and it requires a lot of patience and understanding and sometimes I’m just human and I need people to just do what I ask them to. Anyway there’s just a lot going on and it’s hard to keep track of it all and I really do feel like I’m swimming that ocean alone.

The day just got even more challenging. I’m going to keep this brief and vague out of respect for the people involved but we had a medical emergency with someone on the team, and we had to call 911 and keep her safe and get security and it ended with closing early so we could all go home and process what happened. I basically got home, cried, did some work, cried some more and fell asleep watching Dan and Phil - it wasn’t exactly the energy I was matching but I kind of just needed something so completely distracting. It was really scary and that’s the second emergency situation I’ve had to handle in 5 months and well…I’m just not sure how I am right now.

So I’m going to leave it at that. I’m grateful for EMS and for the first responder security officer who was a big help and for my teammate who had their first aid training in a situation where I felt really helpless and waiting to hopefully get word that my staff is doing better and is going to be ok.

I guess I’m still just a little numb. So today isn’t going to be overflowing with joy but that’s okay.

I got confirmation that today was a no bones day so hopefully you listened to that and just took it easy today! Until tomorrow….



Days 8, 9 and 10 - Coming out on the Other Side


Day 6 - Christmas Errands and Decorating the Tree