Day 11 - Busy Work Days and Cozy Catch Ups

So day 11 started with a lovely surprise - SNOW! I love snow. Well I love snow at the holidays. Ask me in April and I'll be over it. Woke up and got ready to my Mom playing every song that is about snow, and I loved it. Anyway today was incredibly busy and a little hectic at work but I made it through and of course I forgot to take a picture of my outfit. You'll just have to trust that it was festive and I had gold antlers.

After I got home I had virtual plans with my best friend - we made dinner while catching up and it was just a nice catch up. I can't stress the importance of having someone you can talk to about how you're feeling who isn't going to judge you for feeling the way you do. Even though my hard feelings haven't gone away, it feels good to share it with someone important to me. It helps lift a little weight.

We finished season 1 of The Rain and are onto season 2 and we are INTO it. Love a good show that you could binge all night.

And of course, in true Brenna at the holiday fashion, I've been finding it easier to sleep on the couch than in my bedroom so I'll fall asleep in the cozy hue of lights and my Christmas tree with ASMR on the TV. I move into my bed eventually but if sleeping out here is what calms me and helps me sleep I'll do whatever it takes!

It's so cozy I'm not complaining. And neither Navi.

Until tomorrow lovely friends,



Day 12 - Mac and Cheese and Red Wine


Day 10 - Tree Decorating and All the Bath Bombs