Day 12 - Mac and Cheese and Red Wine

It was an early start to my Monday for sure, but I managed to get my festive earrings on and there was no shortage of festive accessories at work! The day went pretty quick with lots of things checked off our list and great numbers which is always nice this time of year. I also think that my higher dose of medication is starting to do its work - I’ve noticed slightly more energy getting home and being able to get things done so it’s nice to start feeling myself again. I’m still not quite on the road to normal - whatever that feels like anymore - but we’re getting closer.

So I knew I didn’t have anything to eat and it might be a while before I went grocery shopping and I knew I needed to eat so I splurged a little on some ready meals at Pusateri’s. So don’t get me wrong they are so freaking good but they are also just so expensive. I got a salad and a couple pasta dishes to keep me going. When I got home from work I chose the mac and cheese to be my sacrifice for the evening, put it in the oven and took a nice hot bath with my favourite bath bomb.

After that I took my food out, poured myself a (second) glass of wine and I’m pretty sure with that one glass and that mac and cheese I had an out of body experience. I was in absolute heaven and feeling very content. It’s so silly but that was truly a moment of joy for me. The wine helped to calm my mind a bit and just be present and in the moment. Holy heck. I’m still thinking about that mac and cheese.

Okay so anyway I finally pulled myself out of that reverie and played my game until my best friend got home from work and we set ourselves up again to watch The Rain and by the time it was done and we hung up my bottle of wine was finished and I had a cozy living room full of Christmas lights and my kitty close by and I was just feeling good. What a great night. Time to wind down and do my own thing and then hanging out with great company and a great show and just Christmas lights and feels. So much joy there. Feeling slightly less like #sadgirlchristmas.

I hope you are able to find those moments of contentedness and pure joy like me and my mac and cheese.

Until tomorrow!



Day 13 - Christmas Nails and Spontaneous Shopping Trips


Day 11 - Busy Work Days and Cozy Catch Ups