Day 6 - Christmas Movie Night

Okay! Slowly but surely starting to feel myself again - is it time? Is it the medication? Is it my coping mechanisms? Who knows! But I’m not questioning it! Last year was one of the hardest holiday seasons of my life, I don’t even remember it - it was a complete haze. So I’m determined not to let this one pass me by when I can actually set work aside and feel my emotions again.

So I’ve been doing this weird thing lately where I wake up a couple hours before work, go and write a blog post and then go back to bed for like 30 minutes. I don’t know why I need that extra time but I managed to get myself together complete with holiday earrings and holiday tea!

A busy day at work so not much to report there, very much looking forward to a day off. I was feeling the need for company - sometimes the idea of going home alone isn’t so appealing. When I feel my depression or sadness has stolen so much time from me, I sometimes feel the need to take advantage of the moments where I actually want to do something. So my parents and I had a last minute Christmas movie night.

When I lived at home, my Dad and I used to watch old Sherlock Holmes episodes and Hercule Poirot on TV. I have fond memories of many nights catching up on episodes. Now that I’m older we’ve transitioned to Hallmark Holiday movies. We like to watch them and try to check everything off the list - fake snow…check! Snowball fight….check! Decorating a Christmas tree….check! We don’t watch for quality, it’s fun to tease them and I’m hopeless romantic so what can I say? I love them. So we watched one last night about a woman who wants to defy her rich family and join the Rockettes. You know what? It was actually pretty good my Dad gave it an 8/10 and we’ve seen a lot of these so that’s a good rating. A Christmas tree, a tea in a Christmas mug and good company…I was feeling very contented. In much better spirits today for sure.

And don’t you know that the good just kept on coming? When I went to wind down a bit with….yep…you guessed it….Dreamlight Valley - what do you think was waiting for me? A Festive Update!!!! I’ve been waiting for this update since Dec 1st and was worried I they wouldn’t do one so soon after the fall update but they did! And I definitely spent way longer on it than I should have….but oh well. Life is for living! And when I was snuggled in bed I had a cozy companion close by ready for bed too.

How is your December going? What joy have you found in the little moments? Are you drinking water??? Don’t forget to look after yourself amid the hustle and bustle!



Day 7 - Sleep All Day and Work All Night


Day 5 - Finding Little Moments