Day Fifteen - Teacher Gifts and Christmas Books!

Ahh…the relaxation is starting to sink in. I had nothing on my to do list this morning and I spent it under a blanket writing and sending our my first e-mail campaign - if you’re not signed up you can sign up at the bottom of this post!

Once I was all caught up I thought I would get outside and try my hand at finding some Christmas books. I’m trying to avoid buying new books but the library computers are down so I tried my second hand book store one last time and guess what? I found a WHOLE shelf of Christmas books that I totally missed the other day! I was in heaven! I found 3 books in total - 2 of them fall into the Christmas horror category I think and 1 is a cheesy romance. I just wanted some books that would be light and fun that I could get through before my reading for school starts up again.

When I got home I still had some time before I had to teach so I finally got back to my workouts. I’ve been using “growwithjo” workouts lately - while I don’t love the language she uses like “the fat will fall right off!” or “20-minute fat burn” I do enjoy her workouts. They are quick and fun and she has some great stuff for beginners. So I just make sure that I’m going into workouts with the right mentality and for the right reasons. It’s hard to make time for it but I know that doing even a 10-minute workout has a huge impact on my mental health.

While at work, one of my students brought me a gift and a beautiful handmade card - it was my first one from this year and felt very special to me! I love handmade cards from my kiddos! After work, I went to visit with my parents. If you’re a 24 Days of Joy veteran, then you know it’s kind of tradition for my parents and I (especially my Dad and I) to watch really bad holiday romance movies. Half the fun is making fun of all the stereotypical things and all the fake snow we can find! So in keeping with tradition we opted for A Royal Holiday Match or something like that. It was a riot. I had wine, and Christmas M&Ms and family and it was a fun night. I haven’t been able to go over there as often to it was nice to be able to squeeze in a coupe movies at least this season.

And as usual, Navi is always ready to greet me when I come home and snuggle up in bed with me.



Day Sixteen - Christmas Shopping and More Nutcracker!


Day Fourteen - The Home Stretch!